Can a Chipped Tooth be Permanently Fixed?

Learn about different ways dentists can permanently fix chipped teeth including crowns, veneers, bonding, fillings, sealants, root canal treatment, and more.

Can a Chipped Tooth be Permanently Fixed?

Unless the damage is minor, there is no permanent way to repair a chipped tooth without consulting a dentist. In the meantime, the best thing to do is to treat pain and protect the tooth and the inside of the mouth to prevent further injury. Crowns are a convenient solution for broken teeth, as they are thicker than veneers and restore the shape and appearance of the tooth. Usually, crowns are made of metal, porcelain, or ceramic.

Custom-made colored housings use porcelain or composite resin material. Veneers are a popular cosmetic and restorative solution to improve your smile. If tooth loss is making you feel shy to smile, veneers are an ideal choice. The dental process aims to address dental and cosmetic problems.

Bonding is considered a less complicated dental procedure for damaged teeth. Dentists use a hassle-free composite chip to correct and improve tooth appearance. A blue light then hardens the composite molding and fixes the tooth. Both broken and cracked teeth can cause infectious pulp that develops in the empty space of the tooth.

Dentists suggest root canal treatment to treat broken teeth in such a situation. They first remove the infection and then place a crown to prevent the infection from spreading. Fillings are among the safest dental procedures used by dentists to repair broken teeth. Dentists temporarily fix cracked or broken teeth using restorative material.

The dental process is beneficial if your tooth has suffered tooth decay. Ideal for fixing tooth holes, dental sealants protect infected and cracked teeth. Sealants also act as a barrier against bacteria that cause cavities that damage teeth. The dentist places a dental sealant on the back of the morals and premolars.

If it's a small crack that only affects the outer white surface of the tooth, you may not need treatment or just a light polish of the area to remove any rough spots. If a small piece of enamel has come off, your dentist will likely choose to repair the chipped tooth by applying a filling or joint. Bonding is a simple procedure that can often be performed without numbness and involves the use of a tooth-colored composite resin. The first step is to etch the tooth surface with a liquid or gel material that gives the resin something to adhere to. The dentist then applies the resin to the tooth with adhesive material and shapes it to look like a natural tooth and then illuminates an ultraviolet light to harden the resin. This is a great solution for small chips, which, with proper care, should last a decade or more.

Cracked teeth should also be treated as soon as possible. An untreated crack can cause permanent damage to the tooth and its roots to the point that it no longer works and needs to be removed. A cosmetic dentist can install a veneer over just the broken tooth or several at a time to create a cohesive appearance, making veneers an excellent choice if you want to repair a chipped tooth while improving the overall look of your smile. In some cases, trauma that caused damage to your tooth also damages its pulp, or infection can infiltrate and root canal treatment is required. If a large piece of a tooth breaks or there are many cavities, dentists can grind or file part of the remaining tooth and cover it with a crown -a tooth-shaped cap made to protect it and improve its appearance. Your dentist will use putty-like material to make an impression of the tooth that receives the crown and its opposite (the one that will touch when you bite).

Veneers are layers of material placed over teeth to improve their appearance and protect them from further damage. A temporary crown (a cap that covers the tooth) may be placed on a tooth experiencing cracked tooth syndrome. Determining whether you have a broken or chipped tooth is usually quite obvious: part of your tooth is missing and its broken point will be irregular or sharp, plus you will probably feel some pain. If no further problems are detected, dentists will numb the affected area before removing enough of remaining tooth for room for crown placement. A front chipped tooth may seem like bigger problem but having chipped or broken molar or back teeth can be just as painful and problematic. You should schedule consultation with your dentist as soon as possible if you have chipped or broken teeth. Using clove oil around painful gum spots can also help numb area around chipped tooth.

If repair is on front one or can be seen when smiling, dentist will likely use bonding procedure which uses composite resin in color of your own teeth. Acidic foods and stomach acids break down enamel leaving exposed surface more likely to chip or break. Repairing cracked teeth for broken molars tends to involve fillings; second lower molar is considered most prone to chipping as it requires most pressure when chewing. No matter what type of chipped or broken teeth you have, it's important to seek professional help as soon as possible in order to prevent further damage from occurring.

Priscilla Fusco
Priscilla Fusco

Subtly charming tv buff. Award-winning beer fanatic. Friendly social media fanatic. Lifelong twitter ninja. Internet guru. Amateur pop culture lover.

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