How Long Does It Take for a Chipped Tooth to Heal?

Recovery time for chipped teeth depends on how severe the chip is and what type of treatment is required. Learn about different treatments available for repairing chipped teeth.

How Long Does It Take for a Chipped Tooth to Heal?

Recovery time for a broken tooth can range from 24 hours to, in rare cases, a lifetime of continuous treatment. The duration of recovery depends on the severity of the rupture and the type of treatment required. Treatment options for a chipped tooth depend on the severity of the chip. When treatment is given soon after it occurs, all that is needed is a dental bond, veneer, or dental crown.

For more severe splinters, root canal therapy followed by a dental crown may be necessary. In some cases of severe splinters that cannot be treated properly (ie,. The tooth is also very loose), the best option may be to remove and replace it. Treatment for a broken or chipped tooth will depend on the severity of the damage.

If only a small piece of enamel breaks, the repair can usually be done simply in an office visit. A severely damaged or broken tooth may require a longer and more expensive procedure. Here are some ways your dentist can repair your broken or chipped tooth: dental bond, veneer, dental crown, root canal therapy, and even removal and replacement. Wondering if your damaged tooth will repair itself? If it damages other parts of your body, it will start to heal naturally, so why not your teeth? The fact that more and more people are looking for more natural ways to care for themselves means that they are looking for alternative options when it comes to their overall health.

This fact means that many dental offices now offer their patients a series of more natural options when it comes to any dental work they may need. Even so, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to avoid further infection or damage to the tooth. A minor chip can usually be treated simply by smoothing and polishing the tooth. Dental fillings are a common way to repair a broken tooth or decay, especially if it is a chipped molar or a posterior tooth that is not very visible. If a large piece of a tooth breaks or the tooth has a lot of cavities, the dentist can grind or file part of the remaining tooth and cover it with a crown, or a tooth-shaped cap, made to protect the tooth and improve its appearance. While the vast majority of dental problems will need us to repair them, there is a chance that your teeth will heal on their own.

Otherwise, your tooth could be further damaged or infected, which could cause you to end up losing your tooth. If no further problems are detected, the dentist will numb the tooth and surrounding gum, and then remove enough of the remaining tooth to make room for a crown. While you will most likely need a dentist to repair a chipped tooth, there are steps you can take to reduce tooth injury until you see your doctor. There are a variety of ways to treat a broken tooth depending on the severity of the chipping or breakage, ranging from simple joints and veneers to caps or crowns and fillings. Cracked tooth repair for broken molars tends to be fillings and the second lower molar is considered to be the most prone to chipping, as it requires the most pressure when chewing. If you have fallen on your face, if you have received a blow or a blow to the face, if you have used your teeth to open some type of packaging (dentists want you to never do it, but many of us do it anyway), or even if you have bitten something especially hard, you can break or chip a tooth.

They take impressions of your chipped tooth to produce a mold for an external dental laboratory to mill the veneer. Avoid using the chipped tooth until it is fixed to chew and adhere to soft foods, and wear a mouth guard if you play sports or if you grind your teeth at night. A front chipped tooth may seem like a bigger problem, but having a chipped or broken molar tooth or back tooth can be just as painful and problematic. You should schedule a consultation with your dentist as soon as possible if a tooth has been chipped or broken. Repairing a chipped tooth or a slightly chipped tooth for teeth with veneers means placing porcelain covers over a front tooth, resulting in a smooth, natural look that is identical to, or even better than your original teeth.

Using clove oil around painful gum spots can also help numb the area around the chipped tooth. In conclusion, recovery time for chipped teeth depends on how severe the chip is and what type of treatment is required. Minor chips can usually be treated simply by smoothing and polishing while more severe chips may require root canal therapy followed by dental crowns or even removal and replacement. It's important to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible in order to avoid further infection or damage.

Priscilla Fusco
Priscilla Fusco

Subtly charming tv buff. Award-winning beer fanatic. Friendly social media fanatic. Lifelong twitter ninja. Internet guru. Amateur pop culture lover.

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